Stunning Ideas for the Wall Above Your Bed

Transform your bedroom into a dreamy oasis with inspiring ideas to decorate above your bed. Find the perfect touch to boost your mood and express your inner self.

Stunning Ideas for the Wall Above Your Bed

The bed is the main furniture piece in the bedroom and that makes the area above it on the wall is the focal point and where the eyes look first when entering the room, so it should be decorated well. If you're not sure what to put over your bed to make your bedroom astonishing, let’s discover together some inspiring ideas. If you prefer simple ideas or DIY decor, This blog will show you how to incorporate and blend in different styles and colours to enhance the beauty of the room. Once you sit your mind on some such as wall art, you can shop at your preferred store and choose the perfect pieces that go well with your style. Don’t forget the personal touch that reflects your personality and pleases your eye.

Top Ideas to Decorate Above Your Bedroom

Hang a Wall Art Over The Bed

wall art on the white walls

This is the most popular choice among people and it works very fine. You can head to the nearest store and grab a piece of art that reflects your personal preference and hang it. A natural landscape of the prairies or a tiger in the frame are beautiful options that will set the mood in your room. Be eclectic! Look around your favourite antique or second-hand stores for artwork that appeals to you.

Choose a Suitable Mirror

Some designers would suggest an oversized mirror to be placed above your bed. However, It is better if you consider the size of your bed before buying a mirror. The mirror's size is significant, and it should be two-thirds the width of the bed to maintain the design's proportions. Mirrors can reflect light and if there is a window opposite your bed. More light will be distributed in the room adding cosiness and improved lighting. Remember to buy a mirror with a bold frame to be the feature of the room.

Hang Garlands to Bring Life Inside

This is an inexpensive method to beautify the wall over your bed and bring the splendour of green inside. Online businesses sell artificial vine leaves and ivy for a few bucks. Green hues and plants can help to relax and improve your mood. There are several options available to you. The idea is also simple and goes well with minimalist or rustic styles.

Place Antique China

China's antiques are rich in brilliant colours and may add beauty to any bedroom. Hang a collection of masterpieces, for example, along your bedsides to provide a sense of elegance and history. A blue and white colour scheme will look great and inviting with a set of blue antique china.

Add the Map of the World

hang a map over the bed

This idea is very appropriate for children's rooms as your kids grow their awareness of the world. This may encourage them to travel and discover other countries. Choose a matt finish over a bright or glossy surface that reflects light; it will appear nicer and easier to read. For a more mature spin on this wanderlust, go for an old globe map or one with ties to your home.

Read also: How to Design Your Dressing Room: Tips and Ideas.

Go for Floating Shelves

floating shelves over bed

If you don’t like hanging pieces or wall art then shelves are what to choose. Installing floating shelves above your bed is an excellent way to mix storage and design. These shelves provide space for a personal display of goods such as books, plants, and souvenirs. Choose wood shelves and make them simple with a clean line. Shelves are a great idea for a minimalist style where you place a tiny piece of antique.

Related: Easy Tips to Style Your Bookshelf.

Utilise Removable Wall Decals

decals over the bed

Whether you choose initials or a more elaborate pattern, removable wall decals are an excellent option for above-bed décor in a child's room since they reduce the risk of something falling off the wall and into your child. You might use something basic, like a big monogram.

Related: Decorating an Empty Wall: DIY Ideas to Beautify Your Home.

How Should You Decorate the Wall Above Your Bed?

There is no direct way to decorate your bed because it is a creative process that is determined by choices and preferences, as well as the style of the room, so we will mention some general tips that may help you decorate well.

  • Embrace the Eclectic: every time you go to the store be very selective and unique in your choices, don’t pick normal items. It is what makes the decor unique and special.
  • Keep it simple: Keep things simple and dreamy. Clean spaces are also visually appealing.
  • Choose Rustic Style: 
  • Choose Cheery Colors: vibrant colours will cheer you up and give you an energetic feeling.
  • Mix and Match: If you like two items from different styles, you can choose both, but there must be some match, such as colour, shape, or material.

Read also: The Main Types Of Floor Lighting.

Design Your Home with Mimari Expert

It is always inspiring to have a beautiful house. It enhances your lifestyle and sense of belonging to your house. Designing a comfy environment will help you enjoy your life while increase your productivity. If you want to reach a high degree of elegance and aesthetic appeal, you should consult a professional designer.

Mimari Expert is an interior design company that designs homes, offices and stores with a maximum care of details and styles. Our team of experts can tackle any project and provide modern and pleasing designs.

Contact us today for the more modern home.

2024-02-05 Last update   2024-09-02
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